SW Ohio Soil & Water Conservation Districts
SW Ohio Soil & Water Conservation Districts
The Butler, Clermont, Hamilton, & Warren County Soil & Water Conservation Districts of SW Ohio have partnered to bring area teachers and educators FREE online lessons and activities to support Ohio educators!
Contact Info
Contact Info
Website: https://sites.google.com/view/swcd
Educator: Gwen Roth, Education Specialist
Phone: (513) 772-7645
Email: gwen.roth@hamilton-co.org
Organization Offerings
Organization Offerings
Access lessons aligned to Ohio Learning Standards for grades K-12. Import into your Google Classroom or simply click on the lessons and begin! Plus, find out how to bring live virtual presentations and discussions to your classroom from our professional educators.
Grades, Ages Served
Grades, Ages Served
Middle School
High School
Home School: ages 5-17
Counties Served
Counties Served