Hamilton County Recycling & Solid Waste
Hamilton County Recycling & Solid Waste
The Hamilton County Recycling and Solid Waste District (District) is a County organization, established by State law, responsible for ensuring that the County achieves State mandated goals for recycling and waste reduction. The District achieves these goals through the implementation of waste reduction programs targeted to residents, communities, businesses, and schools.
Contact Info
Contact Info
Website: http://www.hamiltoncountyrecycles.org
Educator: Cher Mohring, Community Outreach Coordinator
Phone: (513) 946-7737
Email: cher.mohring@hamilton-co.org
Organization Offerings
Organization Offerings
Free consultations to help schools reduce waste; interior recycling bins and signage; recycling, composting, and resource management educational program.
Grades, Ages Served
Grades, Ages Served
Middle School
High School
Counties Served
Counties Served